Out Now!

Seasons E.P. by Matt Stoolman

I’m pretty damn excited to share with you my new Seasons EP. I’ve been working on this little labour of love for quite a while now and I think it’s finally ready to release into the wild.

All 3 tracks are available to stream or download for whatever price you like, including absolutely nothing at all! Once you’ve purchased (or just downloaded) the tracks, they’re yours to listen to on any device you like, wherever you like, as many times as you like. You can burn them to a CD, share them with your friends… whatever you fancy!

I’ve got no marketing budget or PR team in my pocket so my only hope is that you guys all like the tracks and click your Share button. If you like what you hear, spread the word!



You can name your own price, or download for free!

Buying from my website helps directly support me, as there’s no big corporations taking their own slice. However, if that’s your thing, the EP is also available from all major digital distributors.

Click here:

A little insight into why I made this EP and why I’m so keen to finally get it out there for you to all hear and enjoy. I’ve never properly spoken about it publicly but I’ve been out of full time work now for a little over a year, after struggling with mental health issues that lead to a diagnosis of Bipolar and some time in hospital amongst other unpleasant things. Music has always been and will always be my sanctuary, but during my early treatment for bipolar I had to go through various different drug prescriptions, many of which made it very difficult to even turn to my creativity and music for solace. I became a bit of a zombie and went through one of the hardest trials of my life to date. Through the support of my family and friends I’ve slowly started to get back on track, and while I’m a long way from being healthy and stable, I’ve come a long way towards managing my condition. A big part of that has been the love and support I’ve received that has helped me get my creativity and my soul back one tiny slice at a time. This EP is the result of that struggle to find myself again and reclaim a little of my self confidence. I hope these songs can touch you in some way and bring you a little fun, dance, laughter, empathy, struggle or hope and that in those few minutes of music we all walk the same crazy path as each other. Thank you to Patricia Langman for making it all possible (love you mum) and to Kate Purvis for keeping me mostly sane. Along with the many others who have helped me, I don’t have the words to thank you the way I want to, nor do I know how to ever repay the kindness you’ve shown. Anyway, I’ve gone too deep into the mushy stuff. Needless to say, this shit’s important to me and getting it finished feels like a huge accomplishment that I’m incredibly proud of and a big step along the road to healing. The EP is also available from all major digital outlets (itunes, amazon etc) if that’s your thing, as well as available to stream on services like Spotify, Deezer and Rdio.

Matt Stoolman


Matt Stoolman is a 20-something Singer/Songwriter originally from rural Devon in the United Kingdom. Currently located in the South East of England, Matt eagerly plies his brand of melodic, hooky acoustic folk-pop to the masses in pubs and clubs around the region.

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8 + 11 =